What do you see yourself doing in the future? What’s your vision of where you want to go? Just think about some of our great visionary thinkers like Martin Luther King, Jr. and his vision for equality, non-violence and peace. Where would we be today if he had not had great vision for his people? What about Alexander Gram Bell and his vision for the telephone? Today we are able to talk to people clear around the world because of his vision. And, there’s also Thomas Edison and his vision of the light bulb. Today we are not in the dark because of his vision. Finally, there’s Garett A. Morgan who witnessing a terrible accident in the early 1920’s and invented a traffic light, a device that after 75 years remains the primary tool for managing automobile traffic. Develop your vision of what you want. You have to see it and believe it, before you can achieve it. "Do you want to play Division 1 Basketball?" "Do you want to play overseas?" "Do you want to be in the league (NBA)?" What’s your desire? Think on it. Meditate on it. Take time to write down your vision – then write down specific, itemized goals (steps) that will lead to your vision. There’s a saying in the Bible that says, "my people perish without a vision". You must have vision or you are going nowhere fast! How true a statement? If you don’t see yourself doing something in the future, you won’t do anything. If you work a 9 to 5 job and you don’t see yourself as one day becoming the manager, company executive or owner, you probably don’t have any vision. A person without vision becomes stagnated and falls into a rut. Think about what you want. Then you must see yourself attaining it. Now, hold that thought. Write down your vision. Make a list of individual steps that you can take to achieve your ultimate goal. You can formulate this into a "vision statement" for yourself and work towards achieving it daily. 2 of 10