Create An Action Plan
Your plan is the roadmap to achieving your Vision. What’s your plan of attack? How are you going to become the player that you want to be? You must have a Plan of Action. That means, you must write down what you are going to do. Start by taking your vision statement and further developing it into your Plan of Action. Take the individual steps as your goals. For example, If one of your goals is to become great at shooting free throws, your Plan of Action could be – take 200 shots a day. Kobe Bryant once had a goal, during the off-season, to take 2,000 shots everyday. How about that goal! How about developing a plan to make the school varsity basketball team? First thing you would do is to write down this goal. Next, would be a list of the things you need to do to achieve this goal. (practice daily working to improve your individual skills; join tournaments to develop your competitive edge; work out daily to develop your body; eat right and get plenty of rest; and never stop learning). Whatever your goal, establish a program to improve your present position. Goals are nothing without an action plan to achieve them. Don’t be afraid to get started. Don’t allow other people to distract you from completing your goals or your action plan. Focusing on your goals is a 24/7 job. The start of your action plan is the beginning of building your leadership qualities and every test you face as a leader begins within yourself. That’s why it’s important to complete your action plan because you can’t lead anyone else if you can’t lead yourself to complete an action plan. Face the "leadership challenge" – translation: size up every thing you do–your successes and failures. Learn from them. Ask yourself, "What did I do well or What do I need to improve upon?" Your areas of improvement are your mistakes, but keeping things in a positive mindset you call your mistakes your areas of improvement. Focusing on the solutions. But remember, The key is to write down your plan. Now, do it! 3of 10